Tuesday, June 15, 2010

McKinney Luncheon 2010The 2010 Spring Edwin and Violet McKinney “Celebration of Life” Luncheon

On Saturday, June 5, 2010 from 12:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.., the festive event, the 2010 Spring Edwin and Violet McKinney “Celebration of Life” Luncheon , was held at the Congregational Church of Park Manor. In particular, God’s day began with rain but the rain did not dampen this happy event.

The thirty (30) honored guests in attendance upon arrival were greeted by Deacon Minister Joseph Ragland, given a name tag, a program and were encouraged by Deacon Patience Adigibli to play the Search and Find Game for a prize. At 12:30 p.m. Deacon Deniece Rudy officially welcomed our honored guests which was then followed with a reading by Deacon Tina L. Garrett. Deacon Robert Lucas blessed the food and the meal catered by Mrs. Beverly Rockymore was served by Deacons Sydney Vincent, II and Daniel Fafore . Our caterer donated macaroni and cheese to the menu and a vegetable side dish was donated to the menu by the January Birth Circle.

During the fellowship of the meal, Rev. Michelle Hughes arrived and went from table to table greeting and speaking to our honored guest. Once the meal had concluded, all persons focus and quieted their soul and spirit on the goodness of God, Deacon Charles Jackson blessed us with song, Rev. Hughes blessed the elements and communion was served by Deacon Dr. Ella Batchelor, Deacon Sidney Vincent and Deacon Minister Joseph Ragland. Communion ended in prayer by Rev. Hughes. The event of Rev. Hughes serving her first communion as our teacher and pastor at the Congregational Church of Park Manor to our sages was awesome.

We then switched gears and had an interesting, educational and entertaining “Show and Tell”. The participants in the “Show and Tell” were Deacon Tina L. Garrett, Willie Hart, Erin Mitchell, Dorothy Tarr, Abraham Smith, Mildred Eagen and Juanita Passmore.

The “Show and Tell” included the showing of a comforter commissioned by the “Black folks of Madison, Indiana”, Dorothy Tarr’s wedding quilt made by her grandmother, an antique ring worn everyday by Juanita Passmore that has a particular special meaning and Erin Mitchell shared the story and history of a beautiful dish that has handed down at least three generations. Abraham Smith shared the history of the tablecloth framed and hanging in Gray Hall. Mildred Eagen read a poem dedicated to her mother that she wrote in cursive writing when she was seven years old and Willie Hart brought a knife that her great, great, great grandfather used in the Civil War, quilts that have been passed down for three generations, a book, Miscellaneous Thoughts About Slavery, written by the abolitionist son of Supreme Court Justice John Jay, a handmade slip and her mother and aunt’s first school books. All the items were displayed on a table during the event for viewing.

Deacon Dr. Ella Batchelor orchestrated the give-away of gifts and the event ended with prayer by Deacon Charles Jackson.

The Diaconate Board believes it was a memorable time for all who were present. We rode an emotional roller coaster from the competition of the one game played, to the still presence of God when communion was served, to the fellowship of the “Show and Tell” and to the sincereness of the prayers lifted up, up, up. And, at the end of the ride and when the roller coaster came to a stop, we all shouted “HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, AMEN!!”

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